Natural Extract

Nature-oriented ingredients
Newland All Nature makes products that contain natural extracts with high effective ingredient content
in order to supply customers with nature-oriented cosmetics that are more friendly to the skin.

나뭇잎이미지02 8 BERRY

8 Berry refers to the vitamin C-rich berries, namely blueberry, raspberry, cranberry, acai berry, sea buckthron berry, mulberry, strawberry,
and goji berry. They are also collectively called the “vitamin storehouse.”

- Effects

Moisturization/keeping the skin moist, skin soothing, anti-inflammatory effect, anti-oxidant effect, removing/preventing oxygen free radicals, soothing troubled
skin, skin vitalization, supplying resilience to the skin, whitening/improving skin transparency. The various vitamin C-rich fruits together bring an anti-oxidant
effect, reduces oxygen free radicals that irritate the skin, and supply moisture to the skin to make it smoother and more transparent.

- Functions .of each fruit
As one of the 10 super foods, it contains anthocyanin, phenol, and phytochemicals such as flavonoid.
It can revitalize the tired, aging skin and bring back the youthful energy.
Containing polyphenol, anthocyanin, vitamin, and omega 3, it prevents oxidation to prevent skin sagging and
keeps the skin healthy, moist, and transparent.
Anthocyanin removes harmful oxygen free radicals, which are the main cause of aging.
Acai berry
It is known as the “purple pearl of Amazon” or “super food.” The anthocyanin in the skin of this fruit eliminates harmful oxygen free radicals, which are the main cause of aging. The fruit has a far greater oxygen free radical absorption power, called the antioxidant index, compared to other fruits. Its absorption power is known to be
about 10 times higher than that of an apple.
Vitamin tree fruit (sea buckthorn berry)
This fruit is known to have very high vitamin C and E contents.
Thus, the tree is notably referred to as the “vitamin tree.”
Black mulberry fruit (mulberry)
The fruit contains rich amounts of glucose, fructose, citric acid, tannin, pectin, vitamin, and calcium.
Also, containing high amounts of resveratrol and C3G(cyanidin-3-glucoside), which are types of polyphenol
that perform free radical scavenging, it is highly effective in improving aging skin.
Beach strawberry
Containing flavonoid, it is good for skin care.
Chinese matrimony vine
Helps improve skin with the high betaine content.
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